Unistrut P1000T-GB, Strut SLOTTED Galvabond 2.5mm Thick 41(W) x 41(H) mm x 6 Metre length
Unistrut P1000T-GB, Strut SLOTTED Galvabond 2.5mm Thick 41(W) x 41(H) mm x 6 Metre length
Strut Channel SLOTTED - Slots 14 wide x 28 long at 50mm centres Galvabond 2.5mm Thick 41 (W) x 41 (H) mm x 6 Metre length Material # 4000845
• Strut and continuous inserts are accurately and carefully cold formed to size from low carbon strip steel.
• The Strut has a continuous slot with inturned edges.
• Secure attachments may be made to the framing member with the use of hardened, toothed, grooved nuts which engage the inturned edges.
• Galvabond Strut - Input material is supplied by the steel mill generally in accordance with AS1397 having a coating class of Z275. The material is slit to width and roll formed to shape.