HellermannTyton FLEX18GNYE,Tape Electrical Insulation Vinyl PVC Industrial Grade 0.18mm x 19mm x 20M roll - Yellow/Green - HelaTape Flex18 Series
Unit of measure:
HellermannTyton FLEX18GNYE,Tape Electrical Insulation Vinyl PVC Industrial Grade 0.18mm x 19mm x 20M roll - Yellow/Green - HelaTape Flex18 Series
Tape Electrical Insulation Vinyl PVC Industrial Grade 0.18mm x 19mm x 20M roll - Yellow/Green - HelaTape Flex18 Series.
• Used as primary insulation for splices up to 600 volts.
• Provides a protective outer jacket to splices at higher voltages.
• Lead-free.
• Resistant to sun, water, acids, alkalies, corrosive chemicals.