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Brand Name | Cabac |
Length | 50M |
Colour | Green |
Glue lined (Y or N) | N |
Material | Electron Beam Cross Linked Polyolefin |
Size | 25.4mm - 12.7mm |
UOM | RO |
Cabac XLP25G, Heatshrink Thin Wall Unlined Polyolefin 25.4mm - 12.7mm Green 50Metre Roll XLP Series
Heatshrink Thin Wall Unlined Polyolefin 25.4mm - 12.7mm Green 50Metre Roll XLP Series
• The XLP range of thin wall heat shrink tubing is used to insulate, protect and colour code conductors in a range of applications related to the electrical and associated industries.
• XLP tubing is a chemically cross-linked tubing that conforms to MIL-1-23053/5 class 3
• Shrink ratio 2:1
• XLP heatshrink is UV stabilised except clear