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Cabac BLPKIT1 Insulated Boot Lace Pin Kit, Assorted 0.5mm - 2.5mm, With HNKE6 Crimper in Carry Case, Contains 100pc -BLP050/BLP075/BLP100/BLP150/BLP250/BLP400/ BLPT075/BLPT100/BLPT150/BLPT250
Cabac BLPKIT1 Insulated Boot Lace Pin Kit, Assorted 0.5mm2 - 2.5mm2, With HNKE6 Crimper in Carry Case, Contains 100pc -BLP050/BLP075/BLP100/BLP150/BLP250/BLP400/ BLPT075/BLPT100/BLPT150/BLPT250
• Handy assortment of boot lace pin connectors in our most popular sizes for day to day use
• Easy to use and store in your tool box
• Contains 100pc -BLP050/BLP075/BLP100/BLP150/BLP250/BLP400
• BLPT075/BLPT100/BLPT150/BLPT250
• HNKE6 Crimper Included